CES Waiver
The Kistler Center is certified by Developmental Disabilities Services as a Community and Employment Support Waiver provider.
The Community and Employment Support (CES) Waiver program serves children and adults with developmental disabilities with an onset before the age of 22.
An individual is determined eligible if he or she has a primary diagnosis of:
- Autism
- Cerebral Palsy
- Epilepsy (Seizure disorder)
- Intellectual Disability with IQ of approximately 70 or below
- Other related condition, diagnosed by a qualified professional. Adaptively, the individual must have substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the 6 areas of major life activities: self-care, understanding or use of language, learning, mobility, self-direction, or independent living. (Please note that mental illness is not a qualifying diagnosis).
CES Waiver services are designed to assist individuals to acquire, retain, and improve self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live successfully in the home and community-based settings.
The Kistler Center is certified to provide Community Transition, Consultation, Organized Health Care Delivery System Services, Respite, Supported Employment, and Supportive Living. Services can be provided in the following counties:
Benton, Carroll, Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Madison, Pope, Scott, Sebastian, Washington, and Yell
Why is it called “Waiver”?
The federal Social Security Act of 1981 established Medicaid home and community-based waivers. The waivers allow states to forgo certain Medicaid restrictions, such as income limits, in order to provide home and community-based services to those who would otherwise receive care in an institution.
How to apply for Waiver
To request an application, contact the Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Intake & Referral Unit. For children the number is 501-321-2583 and for adults the number is 479-289-7739.
The application process is somewhat involved because it must meet state and federal regulations. Once complete and the applicant is determined to meet financial and medical eligibility requirements, the individual is placed on a Waiver request list. The DDS Applications Unit may be contacted at 501-683-0571 to receive an update on the status of the application.
Once an individual is moved from the Waiver request list to a vacant position, a provider must be chosen. The PASSE Care Coordinator will provide a list of providers. The applicant, parent, guardian, or representative may research the providers, make a choice, and return the form to the PASSE Care Coordinator.
To learn more, contact:
Patty Clark
Executive Director
Email Patty