Donate Goods
Used Deskjet Printer & Laserjet Cartridge Drive
Another great way to help raise funds for the Kistler Center with little effort or cost!
Collect used deskjet and laser printer cartridges from family, friends and your office to help Kistler's Kids. To donate, bring bring your used cartridges to the Kistler Center. The cartridges will be re-cycled.
Wish List
We never have enough of these items!
Batteries sizes (C & D)
Colored cardstock
Construction paper
Copy paper
Dishwasher soap (tablets)
Disinfecting wipes
Electrical tape
Facial tissue
Hand sanitizer, large size
iTunes gift cards
Kitchen trash bags (13 gallon)
Laundry detergent
Paper cups
Paper plates
Plastic bandages, latex free
Plastic storage bags (snack, quart, gallon)
Sticky notes
Tempera paints
Snacks (individual or small size when available)
Applesauce (plain or flavored)
Fruit cups
Goldfish crackers
Graham crackers
M&Ms & Mini M&Ms
Mini marshmallows